Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013


Honorable , Mr. Yatiman as the head master of MTs N Wonosobo
Honorable , all of the ex teacher
And all of my friends who are happy
Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.
First of all , let�s give thank�s to God for all of his blessing and his mercy to us by reciting Alhamdulillah together , so in this morning we can come together in reunion party MTs N Wonosobo 1989 � 2012 generation.
Friends, long time no see. It feels like walk alone and we feel thirsty. But today , that thirsty is over. Now, like drink a glass of fresh cool water and we feel very happy because we can meet again. But , long time no see isn�t mean that our teacher�s power are decrease. It looks like a wonderful power like when they taugh us. And these are the miracles from God to us which can�t count.
Long time no see , absolutely we have many memories which we passed after we graduated from this lovely school. But, the time go fast. In our last farewell was like yesterday. And now , our friends have been changed , but just a little bit of their special character still glutinous in their selves. So that is the cause , the atmosphere this morning is like old atmosphere when we still school here , isn�t like a new atmosphere right ?
And , we have talked too much. Let us introduce our selves. I�m Ahmad , I�m a fresh graduate from 2013 generation , and this is my best friend.
I�m Ayu , same as Ahmad, I�m fresh graduate from 2013 generation. But we must have knowing one to one else.
In this morning , we don�t think about when we graduated , we in what generation , or any else. But today, let�s just have fun , fell happy to meet old friend, and remember our past memories with our friends. The memories can be a happy memories, sad memories , and maybe funny memories.
And now, we don�t need to wait any longer , we want to start our first session.
The first session is the opening ceremony. Let�s we open this event by reciting ummul kitab so the reunion event had opened.
Then, the second session is a little speech from the headmaster, especially new headmaster in MTs N Wonosobo. Please welcome Mr. Yatiman . Give a big hand to him.
Okay , that�s all from our headmaster. Maybe we remember about one memory when we hold on a ceremony in the Monday morning. We remember with our teacher who speech in front of us. Now we can continue to the next session.
The third session is a speech from the chairman of the committee of this event. Please welcome Samsul the alumnus from 2010 generation.
Wow , let�s give a big hand again to our friend, Samsul M. His speech is explain about how to make this event success and we can keep in touch with our old friends. And I think that , this event is very success and merry.
Let�s countinue to the next session.
The forth session , let�s we hear to the impressions from the old generation, actually from the first generation, please welcome Mr. Agus P
Okay , let�s give big hand to Mr. Agus P so he said that this school have many changes, from the building, the yard, and the teacher. Can you imagine that the first generation , our school just have 6 classes. And the rice field surrounding our school. But, now, we can see that our school have more than 6 classes. And he also said that Mr. totok , our mathematic teacher is feel at home to teach here. It can proofed by he still teach here , until now. His character isn�t change and still have big voice which it can make we shock .
Here you go, let�s continue to the next session, the fift session is sing a song. Please welcome to our friend , Utami Rizkiwith the song �A Thousands Years� .
Okay , what a excellent voice she is. We still remember that she always won in the singing contest , in the school and the outside school. She always being a first winner, and now we can hear again her excellent voice. Her voice isn�t change.
Now, without wait any longer, let�s continue , the sixth session is the 1989 generation will give a thing, which it can usable for this school. And please welcome to delegation of 1989 generation , Mrs. Hamda our headmaster Mr. Yatiman to receive it.
What a pretty cupboard , donation from the first generation, actually from 1989 generation. I hope that our generation can give a useful thing like that. I hope so.
And now, this is the time we waiting for. Eat together. So , this session can make you remember when we bought the foods, snacks and beverages in the canteen. In this session , you can gathering with your friend, you can chat, maybe take a photo together, and maybe you want to share your experience after you graduated from this school to your teacher. Start from now, you can take food box on the corner of the stage. But remember, keep in line.
Here we go, session by session , we have passed together. So we must have a wisdom from this meeting. This reunion doesn�t use only for meeting , but let�s think what we can donate , what we can give to our nation and this country. And actually, we can  take a part to give donation for this school.
Friends, maybe our big yearning feeling to our old friend can reduce by this event. That�s all from us. Please forgive us if there are many mistakes and we hope this reunioin isn�t the last meeting for all. And we can meet again in the other reunion and still keep in touch with our friend.

And the last word we say , Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb

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